

In 6 years I have collected more than…

In 6 years I have nerveless more than 300,000 coins. I tried to commutation them for a TV and a laptop. Merely they didn't requite me ANYTHING. I have $ nine.85 and information technology has been similar this for six years.They brand a lot of money from ad, but they don't requite a penny. I have won over 100 tournaments and I have NOT seen or received $ 100. These are vi and perchance more wasted years.They deserve to exist condemned .....

Blackjack Royale from Lucky Day

In Netherlands there are simply Blackjack Royale and Dice Kings if I am not mistaken. Dice Kings is not possible to win in our land (maybe some gift cards if you lot are super lucky). They change the rules all the fourth dimension simply I was never able to win even a dollar. They offer too to exchange your points for the gift cards but at first yous take to cease some puzzle (in ii years I wasn't able to collect all the pieces) and even afterward that you lot won't get annihilation because they are still working on calculation gift cards to our country.
Blackjack used to be a super cool game where you could win money for just playing every solar day. Simply recently they inverse the rules and now you are able to cash out but the tournaments greenbacks. I won yesterday a blitz menu jackpot of $25 and then institute out that I can't cash information technology out. Pretty scammy because earlier all your winnings were eligible for a cashout.

Only avoid & complain to Google Playstore

Equally with many others reviewing Lucky Day app (and it'south Dice Kings app too!) I won the $100 tournament & information technology's as if nothing happened - no notification, no winnings - nothing! Equally I trusted Lucky Twenty-four hour period (having had a $x.l payment to my PayPal) I purchased cards from within the app. I volition escalate this to both PayPal & Google Play, probably get nowhere merely it's disgusting these scamming apps are immune to operate on Playstore. Shocking - merely avert Accept contacted support just no reply.

If I could give this app a big fat aught…

If I could give this app a large fatty cipher star I would, as I have been playing every single mean solar day for well over iii years to win a beggarly 15 cents simply so I can withdraw the minimum $10 required to withdraw, went to $nine.85 and so stopped. There is besides never any rewards cards available as they accept ever been sold out! So I'm always wasting my collected tokens on ownership tickets in at that place sham raffles that I have besides won nothing in. And so I believe this is but another scam advertisement game & GooglePlay should exist held responsible for assuasive these fake games on their platform.

Had this app for 3 years

Had this app for 3 years, cash out nearly four times ($40 in total) and few amazon vouchers, now unfortunately the vouchers are sold out and have a bunch of points to get them into amazon vouchers and likewise got 9.75 on greenbacks. Heed everyone that are unhappy gives bad reviews here merely once you happy with the site you lot won't bother to come here helping the site. Honey them


I Have been playing this game for 3 years, had over 120000 coins, this game needs to be close downward, I cashed out £10 with amazon voucher right at the start, at present 50000 ads I have watched, fed up now.Pay or close it down.

Lucky Is a useless app that never pays…

Lucky Day Is a fake app that never pays out!
Yous get stuck at $9:85 for years can't get to $10 to cash out whatever the tokens you can be e'er greenbacks out for the instant rewards as they are always sold out and never refreshed every 90 minutes every bit they say, this can proved if you see recent winners and no i has win $1 for months !
These guys are a bunch of scammers! There is no regulation by and the scammers are getting away with it !

This game is a scam

This game is a scam. Never reach minimum pay out. No jackpots. Dont waist your time.

Jackpot win but not received by me

My proper name is Rocky and I want to say that I have won the trophy tournament jackpot of 100$ today merely I won't receive paypal souvenir card yet please help and solve asap

Not worth the time

The game does pay out merely you won't e'er win more than .25 - ii$ on any of the scratchers and yous have to get 10$ to cash out. Once your earnings showtime to get close to 10$ you'll stop winning cash and starting time winning coins and it'll accept quite a while to earn the residuum of the 10$ I detect that if yous delete the app and play once more a month or ii later on you win money again.

These people demand to go to jail

These people need to become to jail. They are scamming people that you lot watching ads which they get paid for and when its time to cash. oh, of a sudden no gift cards are available. Bad to the bone! Think Karma!

Scam scam scam

Can't believe lucky twenty-four hours are request for money to block the ads. A game that doesn't permit you to greenbacks out. Doesn't restock souvenir cards. Don't bother playing it's a scam

vii days

One week and I'll find out if I got got or not.

Don't suppose I know which ones yous're referring to. The tournament I won was the $100 trophy tournament.

I actually need that payment and then I tin get some propane for rut before this side by side cold spell! And then, will you lot send information technology right away please?

Reply from Lucky Mean solar day

Hey Beerad, rooting for yous to become some cash in the banking company! attempt out the new short tournaments, we pay out those winners immediately after the players finish the contest!

When you have enough points for a souvenir…

When y'all have enough points for a gift card they all of a sudden then always go sold out. Even if you have a one in a one thousand thousand change of really seeing a gift card available they won't pay it out! I redeemed a £1 amazon voucher, said it will accept up to three days to come. I ordered on the 27th of October and all the same waiting for it! Its nonetheless in the processing part one calendar month later


ii years at ix.xc.cant get the 10p to cash out.over twoscore.000 scratch cards and tin can't go it.it used two payout not now in that location treating everybody like fools we lookout man the ads they get paid and we don't.time 2 pay them a we visit 2 c what's going on..ane twelvemonth now and no gift cards at all.that was the last time got paid out and played it daily..scammers needing a proficient doing

Reply from Lucky Day

Hi Drew, sorry to hear you havent been able to cash out! Nosotros practise pay out over $5k every mean solar day to Lucky Twenty-four hours winners. Don't believe it? Cheque out our instagram account @winnersofluckyday to see real people winning every single day!