
How To Make Iphone Make Noise When Lost

There is no greater annoyance than a mobile phone that suffers from noise when making or receiving calls … But, nevertheless, we have the technology and capabilities to prevent the problem from occurring on our mobile phone. It doesn't matter if we have an iPhone or Android terminal, because as you will see, the keys are very similar and whatever we need to do will be possible to do regardless of the brand or model.

Key – noise cancellation

At first, smartphones did not have any additional advantages other than a small filter next to the internal microphone of the mobile phone to avoid noise. But, fortunately, this gradually changed, and reduction of noise in mobile phones arrived over 10 years ago. A technology that was born exclusively on the basis of software, and later developed by leaps and bounds until it offered us what we have today.

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The current smartphones we use do not require a special option that activates the noise canceling of our mobile phone, as it is activated by default and cannot be turned off. Comparing a mobile phone from many years ago to our current one, we find that the difference in noise level on calls is terrible, and this is also due to the fact that we now have more microphones, in some terminals specifically designed to pick up noise outside our voice. … to fix it.

Works in the same way as in headphones, as active noise cancellation. He collects everything that happens around him in order to suppress everything that he considers unnecessary. In calls, we are interested in transferring our voice and nothing else, so he decides to eliminate it, although this is not ideal, and this is where problems and possible solutions arise.

Why isn't cancellation working on my mobile phone?

Before throwing your hands on your head, it's important to find out who has noise canceling for calls or if the other person has a very old cell phone that could be the source of the problem. To do this, we recommend calling a few people, quickly clearing your doubts, to see if others are listening to us noisily, asking how they are listening to us.

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In case we are to blame, we will have to get down to work to find a solution. Among the options, our mobile will do little, although the first thing we recommend is to restart the mobile because for some reason the cancellation might have been disabled, resulting in noises to penetrate the conversation … Then we need to go to Settings> System> Updates, from where we have to install patches and new features available, which in most cases will solve our problem.

Tips for Avoiding Noise on Calls

But beyond what we have seen, if we continue to suffer from noise issues when making mobile calls, there are some methods and clues to keep in mind that people might get hear us with noise and there is no way to get rid of it. This can happen on any smartphone, regardless of the technology designed to prevent it.

The key is to keep your mobile

As simple as it may seem, simply by changing the position of the hand when bringing the mobile phone to your ear, we can take care of generating annoying noise that even noise cancellation systems cannot eliminate. It is important to bring the mobile to your ear and, if necessary, glue it, but the mistake is mainly in the hand, since the reason may be in the grip. Try different poses and with the help of a friend on the other end of the phone.

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Dirt and dust, the great enemy

While we can ignore this for a long time, the use of mobile phones ultimately leads society to enter where it seems impossible. This causes dust to enter mobile microphone and at the slightest impact of the voice, the membrane bounces off, causing an annoying noise that the other interlocutor will have to endure.

There are no miracles to get rid of the dust inside a mobile phone, we can only choose or blow several times and forcefully into the small microphone or the microphone hole of the smartphone. Usually located at the bottom of the mobile, above and behind – additional to eliminate noise. We then have to prepare to remove dust with a microfiber cloth and be careful not to repeat this over and over again, otherwise we will have to think about repairing the microphone.

If you are using a cover, try removing it.

Although most of the covers are adapted so as not to block the entrances, in some of them we may find that this is not the case in our case. That is why they hear us lazy, hear noises or often they do not understand us well. We'll have to look for a cover that has microphone holes and since then it will become another detail to look out for when buying a case.

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Wind remedies

No matter how many microphones our mobile phone has to try to eliminate noise with technology, there are places where the wind blows with great force and cannot be resisted. In this case, we will be responsible for solving it, either by covering the microphone with our hand, standing next to a wall to stop the wind, or, in the end, we will find a solution that does not expose the mobile phone to such a strong wind.

Where are you?

Although we associate noise with annoyance, which can be caused by the wind, other people's conversations, or various situations, noise from the use of mobile phones can also be part of the intervention … For this reason, we must remember that if we are near a TV without sound, a Wi-Fi router, or near large technology centers, noise can penetrate our call. It really would be a problem that we can get rid of only by changing the position.

How To Make Iphone Make Noise When Lost


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